For those who struggle with obesity:
If your primary care provider or another medical professional has stated your BMI falls into an obesity category, take a deep breath and know we are here for you. Life can be difficult as is, and learning how to eat and fuel your body appropriately sometimes takes a back seat.
Here, at Live Well Dietetics and Nutrition we educate and teach clients how to create a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. A weight loss journey can be difficult when trying on your own, but with our help, we set achievable goals and complete them.
Our goal is not to have you with us for an extended period of time, but instead, give you the tools necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle without our assistance. We will provide you with adequate knowledge and understanding about the amount of food, types of food and timing of meals to ensure continued success without us!
Weight Management:
What does “weight management” really mean? Honestly, weight is only ONE factor of many that determine how we look and feel. Weight should not be the final number we use to determine how healthy we are. At Live Well Dietetics and Nutrition, we use an instrument called the “In-Body”. This measuring device gives us so much more information such as, lean muscle mass, body fat mass, basal metabolic rate, visceral fat level and much more!
Using these different data points, we will assist in creating a better you. Whether you are trying to gain muscle mass, feel better in your clothes, or just want to learn how to eat healthier, these are all goals that can be achieved by working with us. Please, reach out and set up a time to come in and discuss how we can help create a better nutritional future for you!